Tuesday 3 May 2011

Indo Pakistan Geographical background

Indo Pakistan Geographical background

Indo Pakistan subcontinent is a large peninsula situated in south Asia. It is characterized by the great geographical diversity. It has vast deserts like Rajasthan and thar, fertile regions like the Gangetic and Indus plains ,dense jungles and high mountains.
The Himalayan mountains guard the north and north eastern parts of the sub continent . The mighty Himalaya is divided into Indukush and sulaimans in the north west.The sulaiman range boarding present day Pakistan have five major passes.Of these Khyber pass has been most gateway to indo Pakistan sub- continent.Almost all the individuals like Aryans ,Mongols, Mahmud ghaznavi,Muhammad Ghauri,Timur, Babar and Ahmed shah abdali entered the sub –continent through this pass. Only Muhammad Bin qasim came through sindh and the Europen nations used the sea Route.The great Indian Ocean lies towards the south.But more or less the sea expances have served a barrier because the Indians have never been Excellent sea favers.

Indo Pakistan Historical Backgroud.

The Recorded history of indo Pakistan sub continent dates back to the period of dravadians and Aryans, Who flourished about 4000B.C. the arynas came from Europe round 4000 B.C to 2000 B.C. they came in waves.they entered the sub continent through the western passes and setteled in the northern parts of the the country by pushing the earlier settlers to the south.The Aryans had their own culture.they knew how to build their houses.their religion was simple because tey worshipped natural elements.then followed the heroic age marked by heroic battles among various Kings. The narrations of these wars has reached us through epic poems like the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.
The next important event eas the invasion of Alexander the Great in 326 B.C.

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